Practice Management
With so much attention on Meaningful Use and EHR implementation since 2009, it is time for many practices to shift the focus back to Practice Management and Cash Flow. Fox Meadows Software’s over 20 years of experience, loyal customer feedback, and intimate industry knowledge delivers a feature rich Practice Management Software system that is highly efficient and designed to help your bottom line. The vast majority of cash flow interruptions, inhibitors, and excessive overhead expenses reside on the Practice Management side of your business. If you bill in house or are considering our Revenue Cycle Management solution, we encourage you to select issues below that currently apply to you to see how we can help. If you are a startup practice, please also click below to learn of the various struggles that exist.
Click On An Issue To Read Our Solution
We have a high rate of no-show appointments.
Solution: Fox Meadows provides automated patient reminder capabilities for scheduled appointments and recalls. The messages can be delivered by phone, text, or email.
We see patients without checking eligibility.
Solution: Fox Meadows provides instant eligibility checks on demand or in batch for your next day’s schedule.
We rarely collect patient payments at the point of service.
Solution: Fox Meadows understands that patients have more financial responsibility as healthcare evolves. Our Practice Management solution displays accurate and easy to understand balances.
We want to offer payment plans to our patients, but we don’t have a good way to manage it each month.
Solution: Fox Meadows’ merchant services allow you to set up automated recurring credit card payments and/or ACH drafts on a specified date.
Our front and back office staff deal with too much paper still. Consent forms are a pain.
Solution: With our system patients can sign a signature pad that is integrated to your check in counter, thus eliminating the need to scan. We offer cloud faxing capability and the electronic routing of superbills.
We cannot properly track the need for prior authorizations.
Solution: Fox Meadows offers a fully integrated authorization tracking system. Your authorization team will not need to leave our system to manage prior authorizations.
Our Patient Portal is not functional for our needs.
Solution: Fox Meadows offers a web portal where patients can fully register online prior to their appointments, view and pay their statements, view their lab results, request appointments, and more.
Our billing staff cannot work efficiently.
Solution: The bottom line is that charge and payment entry needs to be fast so you can focus on A/R. If you do not have time for A/R, cash flow, bad debt write-offs, and potential compliance issue will build. If your claims are not going out clean the first time, no matter how fast your charge payment entry times are, you are going to have these issues. We can help and highly encourage you click here to visit our Revenue Cycle Management page.
We manually enter ICD-10 and CPT codes from the Provider’s superbill.
Solution: If your provider can check the boxes on a piece of paper, there is no question they can check the box on our electronic superbill using a handheld device. If your provider is using an EHR and you are still having to manually key codes, we encourage you to further explore our all in one EHR and Billing system.
After entering charges, we have to go somewhere else to file our claims. We also have to download ERA files and then import them into our system.
Solution: All clearinghouse functions are fully integrated to the software. You never leave the system to send claims or download ERA’s.
Our staff complains that they do not have good tools to work Accounts Receivable.
Solution: Since Fox Meadows needs good tools in our Revenue Cycle management Department, rest assured you can leverage these features.